Business Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, an indispensable relationship

Author: Davide Casella, Digital Business and Technology Consultant at DXC Technology
Author: Davide Casella, Digital Business and Technology Consultant at DXC Technology

Context: Business Analysis & Artificial Intelligence

In April 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a new law on artificial intelligence (Ai) []. This proposal aims to provide a technologically neutral definition of Ai systems. It also aims to establish a different set of rules adapted to a risk-based approach with four levels. They are: Unacceptable risk, High-risk, Limited risk and Minimal risk.

With the future adoption of the Law on Artificial Intelligence in Europe, companies that will use AI will increasingly have to comply with strict rules to ensure ethics and transparency in the use of this technology. This means that companies must be able to explain how AI makes decisions and what the implications of these decisions are.

The Business Analyst, as reaffirmed in the standard, is a professional who helps companies improve their processes and achieve their goals through the analysis of data and information. For this reason, he will increasingly work in contexts where the use of AI will be predominant.

Business Analysis and Risk Levels for the Use of Artificial Intelligence (Ai)

Business Analysis and Artificial Intelligence risk levels


Risk Levels

The Business Analyst will be crucial in identifying the data sources used by Ai and in ensuring that this data is accurate, complete and free from bias. Furthermore, the Business Analyst can help develop AI models that are transparent, understandable to users, and even “legal”.

For this reason it is essential to provide some more details regarding the four risk levels mentioned above.

Unacceptable Risk

The first level of risk is the unacceptable risk. In this case, harmful uses of Ai that violate EU values ​​will be prohibited due to the unacceptable risk they create. For example, social scoring by governments will be banned.

High Risk

The second level of risk is the high one (High-risk). In this case, a number of Ai systems are creating a negative impact on people’s safety or their fundamental rights. In order to ensure trust and a constant high level of protection of security and fundamental rights, a set of mandatory requirements, including a conformity assessment, would apply to all high-risk systems.

Limited Risk

The third level of risk is the limited one (Limited risk). In this case, some Ai systems will be subject to a limited set of obligations, such as transparency.

Minimum Risk

Finally, the fourth level of risk is the minimum one (Minimal risk). In this case, all other AI systems can be developed and used in the EU without any further legal obligations with respect to existing legislation.

New Business Analysis Opportunities

In conclusion, the new EU AI law represents an important step forward in regulating the use of this technology. It is also a great opportunity for companies that use Ai to demonstrate their ethics and transparency. The Business Analyst can play a key role in helping companies achieve these goals through the analysis of data and information. The four-level risk-based approach aims to ensure the protection of fundamental rights and people’s safety, without limiting the innovation and development of AI. In this way, the Business Analyst can help companies maintain the trust of their customers and avoid potential legal and reputational risks associated with the use of Ai. However, it is important to note that the proposed law is still under discussion and may undergo changes before being adopted.

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